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Charles Hart (Southern Rock Allstars)

Somewhere Between Tokyo and Muscle Shoals
Southern Rock Allstars Bassist Charles Hart Speaks

by Michael Buffalo Smith
June 2001

Where were you born and raised?

I was born in Brewton,Alabama. Brewton is a small town on the Florida border. I was raised about 10 miles north of there in the country. I claim Castleberry, Alabama as my home town since that is the closest town to where I lived and ...

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Muscle Shoals,

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mustang1 says...

Hello, I was going through some of of my collection of knives and swords and came across the name Charles Hart on one of my old cival war swords. I thought I would Google it, and to my suprise I found some info! Maybe it is some relation to your family, maybe not, just thought it may be interesting to you, maybe not! Jason

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