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Elvin Bishop Week at GRITZ: The Interview, The New Album, and The FREE Music Download

Posted: Sep 22, 2008

I have been diggin' the music of Elvin Bishop for a lot of years, especially his records during the Capricorn era. It was quite a rush today to speak with Elvin for his first ever GRITZ interview, and relive the good ol' days and talk about his hot new album, The Blues Rolls On. Check out our review of the album, and read the interview here.

As a special treat for Swamplamd/GRITZ readers, Elvin wants to give you a FREE download of the single from the album, "Struttin' My Stuff" featuring Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks. Download it soon though, because the link will go bye bye in two weeks or so.

Please sign on and comment. I want to know what y'all think. And be sure to check out Elvin's new music. The man is struttin' his stuff bigger than ever!

Keep it Real, Keep it Southern.


FREE Elvin Bishop Music Here

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